Spectral Analysis Visualization


Spectrogram: Frequency over time with energy intensity.


Audio Properties (metadata)

Properties (metadata)
Property/MetricValueThresholdScoreSourceFormula - info
File Name----\( \text{Size:\ MB,\ GB} \) -
File Size----\( \text{Size:\ MB,\ GB} \) -
MIME Type----\( \text{MIME:\ Type} \) -
Extension----\( \text{.ext} \) -
Encoding----\( \text{String:\ UTF-8,\ etc.} \) -
Title----\( \text{String:\ Title} \) -
Artist----\( \text{String:\ Artist} \) -
Album----\( \text{String:\ Album} \) -
Genre----\( \text{String:\ Genre} \) -
Year----\( \text{Year:\ YYYY} \) -
Track Number----\( \text{Track\ \#:\ N} \) -
Composer----\( \text{String:\ Composer} \) -
Lyrics----\( \text{Lyrics:\ String} \) -
Publisher----\( \text{String:\ Publisher} \) -
Disc Number----\( \text{Disc\ \#:\ N} \) -
Encoder----\( \text{String:\ Encoder} \) -
Language----\( \text{Language:\ ISO\ 639-1} \) -
Copyright----\( \text{Legal:\ \copyright} \) -
ISRC----\( \text{ISRC:\ Alphanumeric\ ID} \) -
BPM----\( \text{BPM:\ Integer} \) -
Album Artist----\( \text{String:\ Album\ Artist} \) -
Key----\( \text{Key:\ A,\ B,\ etc.} \) -
Initial Key----\( \text{Key:\ A,\ B,\ etc.} \) -
Length----\( \text{Length:\ HH:MM:SS} \) -
Comments----\( \text{Comments:\ String} \) 
Spectral Features
Property/MetricValueThresholdScoreSourceFormula - info
Spectral Centroid-High: > 4000 Hz--\( C = \frac{\sum_{k} f_k A_k}{\sum_{k} A_k} \) 
Spectral Flatness-High: 0.8–1.0--\( SF = \frac{(\sum_{k} A_k)^2}{\sum_{k} A_k^2} \) 
Spectral Bandwidth-Medium: 500–1500 Hz--\( BW = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{k} (f_k - C)^2 A_k}{\sum_{k} A_k}} \) 
Spectral Roll-off-High: > 4500 Hz--\( SR = \frac{\sum_{k} A_k \cdot \mathbb{1}(f_k \geq f_{\text{roll}})}{\sum_{k} A_k} \) 
Spectral Contrast-High: > 30 dB--\( SC = \sum_{i} \left| E_{i} - E_{i+1} \right| \) 
Spectral Energy-High: > 500--\( E = \sum_{k} A_k^2 \) 
Spectral Flux-High: > 0.5--\( SF = \sum_{k} (A_k^{(n)} - A_k^{(n-1)})^2 \) 
Spectral Entropy-Low: < 0.5--\( H = - \sum_{k} P_k \log P_k \) 
Temporal Features
Property/MetricValueThresholdScoreSourceFormula - info
RMS-Medium: 0.3–0.5--\( RMS = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=1}^N x_n^2} \) 
Peak Amplitude-High: > 1.0--\( A_{peak} = \max(|x_n|) \) 
Zero Crossing Rate-Low: < 10%--\( ZCR = \sum_{n=1}^{N-1} \mathbb{1}(x_n x_{n+1} < 0) \) 
Low Energy Ratio-Medium: 10–30%--\( LER = \frac{\sum_{i \in \text{Low}} E_i}{\sum_{i} E_i} \) 
Attack Time-Short: < 50 ms--\( T_{attack} = \frac{t_{90} - t_{10}}{2} \) 
Decay Time-Medium: 50–200 ms--\( T_{decay} = t_{90} - t_{10} \) 
Sustain Level-High: > 70%--\( S_{level} = \frac{\sum_{t \in \text{sustain}} A_t}{\sum_{t \in \text{full}} A_t} \) 
Release Time-Long: > 200 ms--\( T_{release} = t_0 - t_f \) 
Temporal Centroid-Medium: ~50%--\( TC = \frac{\sum_{t} t \cdot A_t}{\sum_{t} A_t} \) 
Property/MetricValueThresholdScoreSourceFormula - info
Frequency Peaks-Medium: 1–3 peaks--Peaks \( = \text{argmax}(X(f)) \) 
Octave Bands-Medium: 70–85 dB--\( \text{OctB} = 10 \log_{10} \left(\sum_{f \in \text{band}} |X(f)|^2 \right) \) 
Harmonic Ratio-High: > 90%--\( \text{HR} = \frac{\text{Energy}_{\text{Harmonic}}}{\text{Total Energy}} \) 
Dominant Frequency-High: > 1000 Hz--\( f_{\text{Dominant}} = \text{argmax}(|X(f)|) \) 
Fundamental Frequency-High: > 300 Hz--\( f_0 = \frac{1}{T} \) 
Harmonic Distortion-Low: < 10%--\( \text{THD} = \frac{\sum_{n=2}^N |H_n|^2}{|H_1|^2} \) 
Spectral Slope-Medium: -6 dB/octave--\( S = \frac{\Delta A}{\Delta f} \) 
Inharmonicity-Low: < 0.1--\( I = \frac{\sum_{n=1}^N (f_n - nf_0)^2}{\sum_{n=1}^N f_n^2} \) 
Energy per Octave-High: > 50%--\( E_{\text{Octave}} = \frac{\text{Energy in Octave}}{\text{Total Energy}} \) 
Spectral Centroid-High: > 4000 Hz--\( C = \frac{\sum f |X(f)|}{\sum |X(f)|} \) 
Spectral Flatness-High: 0.8–1.0--\( \text{Flatness} = \frac{\text{Geometric Mean}(|X(f)|)}{\text{Arithmetic Mean}(|X(f)|)} \) 
Spectral Kurtosis-Low: < 3--\( K = \frac{\mu_4}{\sigma^4} \) 
Spectral Skewness-Low: < 0.5--\( \text{Skewness} = \frac{\mu_3}{\sigma^3} \) 
Noise-to-Harmonic Ratio-Low: < 0.2--\( \text{NHR} = \frac{\text{Energy}_{\text{Noise}}}{\text{Energy}_{\text{Harmonic}}} \) 
Energy Metrics
Property/MetricValueThresholdFormulaSourceFormula - Info
Total Energy-Medium: 100–200 J--\( E_{\text{total}} = \int P(t) \, dt \) 
Mean Energy-Medium: 2–4 J--\( E_{\text{mean}} = \frac{1}{T} \int_{0}^{T} P(t) \, dt \) 
Energy Distribution (Bass)-Medium: 20–40%--\( \frac{E_{\text{bass}}}{E_{\text{total}}} \times 100 \) 
Energy Distribution (Treble)-Medium: 30–50%--\( \frac{E_{\text{treble}}}{E_{\text{total}}} \times 100 \) 
Dynamic Range-High: > 20 dB--\( \text{DR} = 20 \log_{10} \frac{P_{\text{max}}}{P_{\text{min}}} \) 
Crest Factor-High: > 3--\( \text{CF} = \frac{P_{\text{peak}}}{P_{\text{rms}}} \) 
Energy Envelope Variance-Low: < 0.1--\( \sigma^2 = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N (E_i - \mu)^2 \) 
Normalized Energy-High: > 0.8--\( E_{\text{norm}} = \frac{E_{\text{current}}}{E_{\text{max}}} \) 
Transient Energy-Medium: 10–30%--\( \frac{E_{\text{transient}}}{E_{\text{total}}} \times 100 \) 
Sustain Energy-Medium: 30–60%--\( \frac{E_{\text{sustain}}}{E_{\text{total}}} \times 100 \) 
Peak-to-Average Ratio-High: > 3 dB--\( \text{PAR} = \frac{P_{\text{peak}}}{P_{\text{average}}} \) 
Custom Metrics
Property/MetricValueThresholdFormulaSourceFormula - Info
Copyright----\( \text{Legal\ Protection\ \copyright} \) -
Publisher----\( \text{Publishing\ Entity} \) -
Language----\( \text{Language:\ ISO\ Code} \) -
ISRC----\( \text{ISRC:\ A12345AB6789} \) -
UPC----\( \text{UPC:\ 012345678901} \) -
Geolocation----\( \text{Coordinates:\ (lat, long)} \) -
Region of Recording----\( \text{Region:\ Country\ Name} \) -
Creation Date----\( \text{Date:\ YYYY-MM-DD} \) -
Modification Date----\( \text{Date:\ YYYY-MM-DD} \) -
License Type----\( \text{License:\ CC-BY-SA} \) -
Creative Commons Information----\( \text{CC\ Info:\ CC0} \) -
Album Art URL----\( \text{Image:\ URL} \) -
Original Source URL----\( \text{URL:\ https://example.com} \) -
Genre Subcategory----\( \text{Subcategory:\ Pop-Rock} \) -
Explicit Content----\( \text{Explicit:\ Yes/No} \) -
Keywords----\( \text{Keywords:\ Tag1,Tag2,...} \) -
Geotag (Latitude, Longitude)----\( \text{Geo:\ (lat,long)} \) -
Recording Environment----\( \text{Environment:\ Indoor/Outdoor} \) -
Audio Watermark----\( \text{Watermark:\ Present/Absent} \) -

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